Edit Game
High Five 5, Unit 8 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe 2 steps in the paper recycling process using the passive voice.
paper is collected, ink is removed, water is added etc.
Change to passive: Spain grows olives.
Olives are grown in Spain.
What is this? What is it made of? How can you recycle it?
carton of milk/ carton/ put in recycle bin...... etc
Wear, _________, __________
wore, worn
Take, _________, __________
took, taken
Ver: _________, __________, _________
see, saw, seen
Saber/Conocer: _________, __________, _________
know, knew, known
Crecer: _________, __________, _________
grow, grew, grown
Encontrar: _________, __________, _________
find, found, found
Soplar: ________, _________, ________
blow, blew, blown
Hide, ________, __________
Hid, hidden
Nadar: ________, ________, _______
Swim, swam, swum
What is this? What is it made of? How can you recycle it?
shirt / fabric / give to someone younger or put in recycle bin
What does your school do to be green?
turn off lights, recycle paper, etc.
Name 3 things that are recycled in Spain.
paper, glass, plastic, clothes....
Change to passive: My grandma sends a letter.
A letter is sent by my grandma.
Change to passive: The factory cuts paper.
Paper is cut by the factory.
Change to passive: The cooks make pizzas.
Pizzas are made by the cooks.
Change to passive: Mom hides the toys.
The toys are hidden by Mom.
Change to passive: The thief steals the tv.
The tv is stolen by the thief.
Change to passive: Does the dog chase the girl?
Is the girl chased by the dog?
Change to passive: The dog chases the boy.
The boy is chased by the dog.
Change to passive: Does Ana grow plants?
Are plants grown by Ana?
Change to passive: Does Spain recycle paper?
Is paper recycled by Spain?
Change to passive: Does Japan grow rice?
Is rice grown in Japan?
Change to passive: Japan grows rice
Rice is grown in Japan
What does this picture show?
What does this picture show?
What does this picture show?
plastic bottle
What does this picture show?
lolly stick
What does this picture show?
What does this picture show?
elastic band
What does this picture show?
cardboard box
What does this picture show?
What does this picture show?
bottle top
What does this picture show?
What does this picture show?
cardboard tube
What does this picture show?