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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are they is at the theater?
ARE theyat the theater?
June are the sixth month of the year.
June IS the sixth month of the year.
The new Italian restaurant are in front of the supermarket.
The new Italian restaurant IS in front of the supermarket.
What colour am your new car ?
What colour IS your new car ?
I are happy today because it are holiday.
I AM happy today because it IS holiday.
The students is at the playground next to the tall tree.
The students ARE at the playground next to the tall tree.
Where the post office is?
Where IS the post office?
Is your friends at the swimming pool? Yes, they is.
ARE your friends at the swimming pool? Yes, they ARE.
Why are the books on the floor?
There isn't a mistake.
Is Mum is at the park?
IS Mum at the park?
My brother and I am very hungry today.
My brother and I ARE very hungry today. / We (my brother and I) ARE very hungry today.
Mary and Paul are at the shopping center.
There isn't a mistake
I am go to work at half past seven every morning.
I go to work at half past seven every morning.
Mrs Parker are from Italy.
(She) Mrs Parker IS from Italy.