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Canadian Confederation

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What was one reason some provinces did not join at first?
Did not want to pay taxes, worried about losing independence
Who were the original four provinces that joined at Confederation?
Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick
Which province was the very last to join Canada?
The BNA Act established "rep by pop". What is this referring to?
Representation by population (in parliament)
True or false: Ottawa was always the designated capital of Canada.
Name one responsibility of the provincial governments that was established by the BNA Act
Answers may vary
Name one responsibility of the provincial governments that was established by the BNA Act
Answers may vary
Name one responsibility of the federal government that was established by the BNA Act
Answers may vary
Name one responsibility of the federal government that was established by the BNA Act
Answers may vary
True or false: after Confederation, Canada became completely independent from Britain's control.
Canada struggled with ________, which is the inability to decide on a course of action due to disagreement between two parties.
Political deadlock
One driving force of Confederation was the threat of ...?
American annexation
The date that Canada officially became a country?
July 1, 1867
The name of the legislation that established Canada as a country.
The British North America Act
This man was a father of Confederation who was originally an enemy of John A. MacDonald.
George Brown
This man was a father of Confederation and helped John A. MacDonald write the British North America Act.
George Etienne-Cartier.
This man was a father of Confederation and became our first Prime Minister.
John A. MacDonald