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EOG Review 7.EE.1 & 7.EE.2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What equation would describe "two times a number plus five equals 15"?
2x + 5=15
Scott works on cars. He charges $35 for each car plus $7 per hour. Write an equation that represents this scenario if Kylie's car bill was $63.
7x + 35 = 63
Simplify the Expression: 9xy + 3x - 6xy + 2x
3xy + 5x
2xy can be combined with 3xy^2
X^2 can be combined with X
Simplify the expression: -4(-4d - 5)
Simplify the expression: 2(4X-7)
4 is the __________ of 4n.
Like terms have the same variables and the same exponents.
Identify the constants in the expression: 7-5x+1
7 & 1
A number on its own that does not change and is without a variable is known as a _______________.
What are the coefficients in the expression 8x - 3 + 12xy?
8, 12
What are the coefficients in an expression?
The numbers multiplied by the variables
Find the equivalent expression for 2(3a -b) - 7(-2a+3b)
20a - 23b