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EOG Mixed Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Solve: 2/3a - 1 = -11
A plumber charges $25 per hour, plus a $35 service fee. If the plumber earns $260, how many hours did he work?
Solve: 5 - a < -3
a > 8
Simplify: 19 - 6(-k - 2)
6k + 31
Simplify: 2 - 4(5p + 1)
-20p - 2
Simplify: -2(2y - 8x) - 1/2(10x - 6y)
11x - y
You need to reverse the symbol to solve which inequality?
Solve: -2 = 5x + 3
Jacob is 12 years younger than twice Elizabeth's age. Jacob is 28 years old. How old is Elizabeth?
Karen spends $450 on monthly bills. Of this total amount, 12% is for phone service, 1/10 is for Internet service, and 2/9 is for utilities. If the rest of the total amount is for food, how much does Karen have for food?
When Derek planted a tree it was 36 inches tall. The tree grew 1 1/4 inches per year. The tree is now 44 3/4 inches tall. How many years ago did Derek plant the tree?
Mr. Jones spent $156 to attend a college football game. 20% of this cost was for a parking pass. He spent the remainder of the money on 2 tickets for the game. What was the price per ticket?
Simplify: -3(3y - 2x) + 2(5x - 4y)
-17y + 16x
The cost for a new cell phone plan is $39 per month plus a one-time start-up fee of $78. If you are charged $1014, how many months will the contract last?
True or false: {-8, 0, 1.5} are solutions to the following inequality. 4-3x < -2
Solve: 2(6k - 1) = -38
Simplify: -4(x + 2) - 1/2(2x - 6)
-9 - x
Solve: -3p - 8 = 19
A spinner with 3 equal-sized sections marked A, B, and C is spun 100 times. The results of the experiment are shown in the table. What is the experimental probability of landing on A?
The library surveyed 75 random people to find out their favorite book genre. Results are in the table. Out of 500 people, how many would you expect to report mystery as their favorite genre?
Marcos is making a salad for lunch. He has 3 different options for lettuce, 5 different options for toppings, and 3 different dressings. How many combinations can he make using 1 type of lettuce, 1 topping, and 1 dressing?
Christy goes to her closet to pick out an outfit for the next day. The table shows the different choices for her outfit. Christy will choose 1 of each item. What is the probability that Christy chooses a blue shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes?
There are 2 green marbles, 4 blue marbles, and 9 red marbles. What is the probability of pulling a green, then a blue marble without replacement?
Kalil and Tracey were playing golf. What was the difference between Kalil and Tracey's mean scores for the 5 games?
Steve walked 3 miles in 42 minutes and 45 seconds. Ramon walked 6 miles in 1 hour and 22 minutes. Who walked faster?