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Guess the sentence.

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I really regret ___ ___ ___ my grandfather. He died before I was born. (-)
not having known
My father was the first person in my family ___ ___ ___ university. (+)
to go to
There's absolutely ___ ___ ___ in this town. There isn't even a cinema. (-)
nothing to do
Our plan is ___ ___ ___ Las Vegas and then hire a car. (+)
to fly to
We hope ___ ___ ___ a new flat by the end of the year. (+)
to have found
Lucy seems ___ ___ ___ Dan a lot recently. Do you think they're going out together? (+)
to be seeing
Nursing is a very rewarding job that involves ___ ___ a team. (+)
working in
I really hate ___ ___ ___ the truth. (-)
not being told
The pool wasn't warm enough for us ___ ___ ___. (+)
to go swimming
I don't like ___ ___ ___ to do. I prefer to decide for myself. (+)
being told what
We'd rather ___ ___ ___ ___ holiday in August, but we had to beacuse of school holidays. (-)
not have gone on
It's no good ___ ___ ___ lend you some money. She's completely broke. (+)
asking her to
There's no point ___ ___ . He never goes to parties. (+)
inviting him
I would love ___ ___ ___ your face when the doctor told you to join the gym. (+)
to have seen