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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Video games: +Concentration power grows up, convenient for parents / -Lack of physical activity, addictive
Artificial insemination in humans: +Hope for couples who suffer from infertility issues, same sex couples may conceive / -Success rates are not high, depression and anxiety
Working at home: +No transportation costs, flexibility / -Distractions, need for high self-discipline
Being your own boss: +Self reliance, no fixed timetables / -Hard work without guaranteed success, inconsistent income
Cosmetic surgery: +Physical benefits, self-esteem improvement / -Cost, risks
Globalization: +Access to goods at reduced prices, larger market / -Unemployment, environmental problems
Being retired: +Stress reduction, free time / -Boredom, Lack of personal interaction
Online shopping: +Convenient, no cash / -Unsafe, shipping costs
Working parents: +Better financial situation, stability / -Little family time, emotional effect on children
Online dating: +Ideal for shy people, finding people with same interests or values / -Risk of running into sex offenders, false pictures
Package Holidays: +Total cost of holiday included, lots of activities and facilities included / -Fixed timetables, tourist attractions unvisited
Credit cards: +Convenient way to pay, accepted in most shops / -Not safe, risk of getting into debts
Taking a gap year: +Time to analyse options, relaxation before university / -Being a year behind, social reintegration challenges
Living in a flat: +Security, low maintenance costs / -Noisy, lack of space
Being wealthy: +Great health care, financial freedom / -Fake friends, open target for kidnap or blackmail