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Adjectives and Modifiers

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Correct the modifier: The airport is 2km from my house. It is REALLY far.
a little far.
Correct the modifier: The sunglasses are $2.00. They are A LITTLE cheap.
very/really cheap.
Correct the modifier: It is 6ºC today. It's A LITTLE cold.
very/really cold.
Reorder: is / a / watch / expensive / this / really.
This is a really expensive watch.
Reorder: car / fast / very / my / isn't.
My car isn't very fast.
Reorder: brother / strong / my / quite / is.
My brother is quite strong.
Choose: They are <Italian tourists> <Italians tourists>.
They are Italian tourists.
Choose: It is a <phone really cheap> <really cheap phone>.
It is a really cheap phone.
Choose: He is a <man rich> <rich man>.
He is a rich man.
Say a sentence about "Bruna Marquezine" (2 adjectives and 2 modifiers)
Bruna Marquezine is very beautiful and a little short.
Say a sentence about "Rio de Janeiro" (2 adjectives and 2 modifiers)
Rio de Janeiro is really beautiful and quite dangerous.
Say a sentence about "Acarajé" (2 adjectives and 2 modifiers)
Acarajé is very hot and really delicious.
Easy - hot - crazy - difficult - high
Easy - difficult
Heavy - old - young - ugly - tall
Old - young
What's the opposite of "safe"?
What's the opposite of "clean"?
New - cheap - easy - old - noisy
New - Old
What's the opposite of "cheap"?