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arabic language day

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is coffee in arabic?
قهوة kahwah
What is pink in arabic?
ورد / زهري zahry / wardi
Translate this sentence : هناك الكثير من أقلام الرصاص في فصلنا.
There are a lot of pencils in our class.
Say the numbers from one to five in arabic.
واحد إثنان ثلاثة أربعة خمسة
Say the colours of the rainbow in arabic.
، أحمر ، برتقالي ، أصفر ، أخضر ، أزرق ، بنفسجي
أحب أن أقرأ في غرفة نومي uhibu an aqra fiy ghirfat nawmy
What is a cake in arabic ?
كعكة kaka
What is a leaf in arabic?
ورقة الشجر waraq al shajar
What is a sock in arabic?
جورب jurab
What is a shirt in arabic?
قميص kamys
What is a fish in arabic ?
سمكة samaka
What is a banana in arabic?
موز mawzah
What is a dress in arabic?
فستان fustaan
What is a flower in arabic ?
وردة / زهرة warda / zahra
What is pencil in arabic?
kalam قلم
What is a snowflake in arabic ?
ندفة الثلج nudfat althalj
What is shoes in arabic?
حذاء Hithaa
What is bracelet in arabic?
swara سوار