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Name this item and use it in a complete sentence.
Can opener
Name this item and state how many syllables the entire word has
refrigerator; 5 syllables
Name 3 similarities/differences between milk and soda.
Similarities: both liquids, beverages, and can be drank with meals and snacks. Differences: color, texture, carbonation, nutritional value
Name these two items and state 2 similarities.
A bathtub and a shower are both used in bathrooms, they are used to keep people clean, they are both hooked up to plumbing (water)
Name 3 similarities between these two items.
Stoves and microwaves are both kitchen appliances, they are usually square or rectangular in shape, they are both used to heat up foods.
Name 3 differences between an apple and a banana.
Differences: Size, shape, color, texture,
Name 3 differences between a car and a bike.
Differences in size, shape, number of wheels, a car needs gas and a bike does not
Name this item and state its category.
Blender (Appliances or Kitchen Items)
Describe this item and state what its function is.
ATM Machine- used for depositing and withdrawing money.
Describe this item.
Mug Cake
Describe the texture, size, and shape of this item. 
Name this item and describe 3 features. 
Name this item and describe its function.
Name this item and describe its parts. 
Describe this item.
Describe this item.
Describe this item.
Name this item and describe 3 details 
Mug; multicolored, has polka dots, texture is hard and smooth, material is ceramic
Describe this item and state its category.
Airplane; transportation
Describe 3 features about this item as well as its category. (Hint: It's a type of _________)
car (transportation)
Describe this item and state how many syllables it has. 
Bicycle; 3 syllables
Name this item and describe it.
Chicken Nuggets are small, light brown, can be crunchy or soft, and are usually eaten with ketchup or barbecue sauce. 
Describe this item.
cell phone (iphone); black, rectangular, hard, has a glass screen, used for calling or texting
Describe this item.
An apple is round, can be red or green, the texture is hard, and has a brown stem. It also contains seeds on the inside.Â