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grocery store vocaublary

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the title of the person who checks you out at the checkout counter?
Where would I find food from another country?
international aisle
What do you call the food that is made from ducks, turkey, chicken or goose?
What are some local products you can buy?
maple syrup, beans, garlic, apples, honey
Name two things you can get in the garden centre.
seeds, soil, plants, tools, gloves, decorations
What is the best way to bag your groceries?
reusable bags
Can you buy alcohol at some grocery stores
What is the small carrier you use when you only need a few things?
Where to you take your cart when you finish shopping?
cart return
What do you call the section where you buy bread products
What would you call the section where you buy products from cows, sheep or goats?
What section would you find sliced ham for sandwiches?
What do you walk up and down to buy your groceries?
What are the two names you can use for the thing you use to put your groceries in as you shop?
shopping or grocery cart
What do you put your groceries on when you check out?