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What is the name of ALL the Zelda Champions
Daruk, Mipha, Rivali, Urbosa
Who are these characters
What other animal can you ride in Geruda Town
Sand Seal
What animal can you keep in a stable
What are giant buildings called that you have to climb in order to open up the map called?
Sheikah Towers
What do you use to fly around in Zelda BOTW
What device do you use to mark locations on the map
Shiekah slate
What is the name of the these hidden places you have to find
Fairy Fountains
What is the name of the final boss of Zelda BOTW
Calamity Gannon
Where is the Hyrule Shield located
Dungeon of Hyrule Castle
What is the name of the ultimate weapon
Master Sword
What is the name of the Korok that you turn your seeds into
Who is these characcters
What is the name of this Divine Beast
Vah Naboris
What is the name of this Divine Beast
Vah Rudania
What is the name of this Divine Beast
Vah Medoh
What is the name of this Divine Beast
Vah Ruta
What Magical device do you need to get for the Gerudo Queen
Thunder Helm
What city is this character from
Gerudo Town
Who is this?
What is the name of this Character
Princess Zelda
Who is this Character