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Make an inference

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I let the dog out in the backyard. I opened the door 10 minutes later and he wasn't there. What could have happened?
logical answer
I looked in my backpack for my assignment and it wasn't there. What could have happened?
logical answer
I sat on the curb by the school and waited to be picked up. School ended 30 minutes ago. What could have happened?
logical answer
I heard loud sirens and saw a flashing light go down the street. What could have happened?
logical answer
There was water all over the kitchen floor. What could have happened?
logical answer
I was breathing fast and grabbed my water bottle for a drink of water. What was I doing?
logical answer
I opened the refrigerator and took out some eggs. Then I got the mixer out. What could I be doing?
logical answer
I put on a helmet and put my leg over the seat. What could I be doing?
logical answer
I was next to many people and it was noisy. I stood up and cheered. Where could I be?
logical answer
Joe and Tim are side by side. Tim moves his legs a little faster and crosses a line. What are they doing?
logical answer
I climbed up a ladder and sat down at the top. What could I be doing?
logical answer
I put on my shin guards and ran out into the field. What am I going to do?
logical answer
At the end of the school day, the teacher said, "See you next year." What could be happening?
logical answer
A big truck pulled into the driveway next door. The truck was empty. What could be happening?
logical answer
I am in my bedroom. I guessed that we are having pizza for dinner. How did I know?
logical answer