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FCAT Earth and Space Science Review

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wind blowing from a cool ocean surface onto adjoining warm land
Sea Breezes
a coastal breeze blowing at night from land to sea; caused by the difference in the rate of cooling of their surfaces
Land Breeze
small object made of ice with some gas, dust, and rock; a "tail" can appear as the comet revolves around the sun and is heated
organizes the family of stars into a diagram; across bottom is star's temperature and side is star's absolute magnitude; a star's temperature and color depend on how big the star is
Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
moon phase that occurs when the Moon is between Earth and the Sun; the Moon cannot be seen because its lighted half is facing the Sun and its dark side faces Earth
New Moon
moon phase that occurs when all of the Moon's surface facing Earth reflects light; the Moon appears completely lit
Full Moon
forms when other rocks are heated and squeezed together; requires heat and pressure
Metamorphic Rock
formed when magma cools beneath Earth's surface or when lava cools at Earth's surface; forms in or around volcanoes; requires heat
Igneous Rock
Alfred Wegener believed landmasses of Earth once fit together to form single landmass called "Pangaea"; landmasses "drifted" to where they are today; theory disregarded due to lack of evidence
Continental Drift theory
where one plate moves under another; a deep ocean trench is formed
Subduction Zone
show elevation of land with shape and spacing of contour lines; closer lines mean steeper slopes; flat places have widely spaced lines; series of increasingly smaller closed loops indicates hill or mountain
Topographic Map
caused by uneven heating of Earth's surface; Occur within Earth's atmosphere and oceans. Produce wind and ocean currents.
Convection Current
intense low pressure areas that form over warm ocean waters in the summer and early fall; a powerful, spiraling storm.
movement of air in the atmosphere caused by convection currents
broken pieces of lithosphere; movement caused by convection currents in the asthenosphere
Tectonic Plates
the movment of sediment; removes pieces of Earth from one pace and builds land in another; agents: gravity, ice, wind, water
the breaking down of rock into smaller pieces, called sediment; can create/change geographic formations; agents: gravity, ice, wind, water
forms when sediment collects and hardens; layers of sediment pile up and squeeze together; requires pressure
Sedimentary Rocks
made of crust and upper part of mantle; broken into tectonic plates
layer of Earth between crust and core; thickest layer, partially molten (liquid)
outermost layer of Earth; least dense layer; thinnest layer; where we live
changes in ocean water levels that take place in regular pattern; controlled by pull of gravity between Moon and Earth; force of gravity of Moon pulls pulls ocean water away from Earth's surface
movement of Earth around Sun; takes 365 ¼ days; causes seasons
spin of Earth (or other Moon/planet) on its axis; takes 24 hours; causes day/night
spin of Earth (or other Moon/planet) on its axis; takes 24 hours; causes day/night
increasing range in frequency of electromagnetic waves; light and radio waves are used to gain information about distances and properties of objects in the universe; ex. light years used to measure distances and sizes in the universe
EM Spectrum
medium sized star; located near edge of galaxy; many thousands of times closer to Earth than any other star; provides energy that creates convection currents in atmosphere and oceans
nearly round objects that revolve around a star; in our solar system the planets that revolve around our Sun are; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
huge, hot body made of different gases; radiates energy (light)
huge galaxy with no regular shape
Irregular Galaxy
huge galaxy that is round or oval in shape
Elliptical Galaxy
galaxy that is disc-shaped with a thin disk with long arms; gas and dust rotate around the central hub of the galaxy
Spiral Galaxy
a large group of stars, dust and gases in the universe held together by gravity