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B1+ Modal Verb Upgrade

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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......... I open the window, please? I feel a bit faint and I need some fresh air.
My sister ......... swim when she was only three years old.
was able to
We ......... worry about food, because my mum says she'll buy us pizza.
Do you think you ......... to come with us next Saturday?
will be allowed
Thanks for the invitation, but I ......... ask my parents before I say yes.
had better
......... you pass me the salt, please?
Tom is great at scoring goals, but he ......... run very fast.
The bus leaves at nine, so we ......... be late.
My parents were very strict when I was younger so I ......... stay out late.
You spend too much time on your computer. You ......... spend more time outdoors.
......... you collect the balls, please?
Would ; function: request
I ......... not be late for training and annoy everyone.
had better not ; function: advise to self/warning
I .........left my homework at home. Oops!
shouldn't have ; function: regret/advice (to self)
You ......... to buy a guitar. You can use this one.
don't need to ; function: necessity/advice
No, you ......... meet Jim now. It's bed time!
may not ; function: prohibition
You aren't ......... to kick other players!
permitted ; function: permission
Last year I wasn't ......... to sing it, but now it's easy.
able to ; function: ability
......... we have a rest? I'm exhausted!
May ; function: seeking permission