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High Five 6 Unit 8 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Correct the errors: We will run if we were chasen by a bear.
We WOULD run if we were CHASED by a bear
Correct the errors: We would saw the lions if we go to the zoo.
We would SEE the lions if we WENT to the zoo.
What would you take if you __________ to the Galapagos Islands?
Finish the sentence: What would you do if you ________ lost at sea?
We use second conditional to talk about something that is ________.
Dormir: ______, _______, ________
Sleep/ slept/ slept
Caer: _______, __________, ________
Fall / fell/ fallen
___________: Sink, _________, ________
Hundirse: Sank, sunk
Montar: ______, _______, _______
ride, rode, ridden
robar: ________, _______, ______
steal, stole, stolen
___________: Build, _______, ________
Construir / built/ built
Nadar: _____, ______, ______
Swim, swam, swum
Answer the question: What would you do if you had three wishes?
I would _____
Answer the question: What would you do if you travelled back in time?
I would _____
Answer the question: What would you do if you saw an alien?
I would _____
Answer the question: What would you do if you met a famous person?
I would _____
Answer the question: What would you do if you were invisible?
I would ______
Answer the question: What would you do if you were president?
I would _______.
Question: ________________________? Answer: I would drink Fanta Naranja
What would you drink if you were thisty?
Question: ________________________? Answer: I would eat dinner.
What would you do if you were hungry?
Answer the question: What would you do if you visited Canada?
I would see animals/ I would build a snowman, etc.
Finish the sentence: I would be happy if __________________.
I had money / I ate pizza
Finish the sentence: If I were sad, ______________.
I would cry, etc.
Finish the sentence: If _______________, Jennifer would be happy.
I gave her a cat / gave her chocolate/ behaved well, etc
Finish the sentence: If _____________, I would buy a new car.
won the lottery / earned more money......
Finish the sentence: If ____________________, I would not be so tired.
I went to bed earlier, etc.......
What does this picture show?
boogie boarding
What does this picture show?
What does this picture show?
tropical fish
What does this picture show?
scuba diving
What does this picture show?
sea lion
What does this picture show?
have a nap
What does this picture show?
giant tortoise
What does this picture show?
What does this picture show?
What does this picture show?
palm tree
What does this picture show?
sea kayaking