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Population (2)

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What is population?
It is the amount of people who live in a place.
What is Municipal Register?
It shows the number of people in a municipality.
Give one reason why people migrate
To find a job / To improve education / To improve life conditions / To run from war or natural disasters
What is census?
It shows the number of people who live in a country.
What is Life Expectancy?
The number of years a person is expected to live.
What is the population of Europe?
Europe's population is about 740 million people.
What is the population of Spain?
The population of Spain is about 46.7 million people.
What is demography?
The study of population and its changes.
What is death rate?
The number of people who die in a year.
What is birth rate?
The number of babies born in a year
When people leave their country for another place it's called _____________.
When people come to a new country to live from another one, it is called ______________.