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5a Cambridge Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I last saw dolphins when I was a child. Fill in the blanks with 1-3 words: I haven't ______________ I was a child.
seen dolphins since
Susan couldn't swim as well as Betty. Fill in the blank with 1-3 words: Betty ________________ than Susan.
could swim better
There was nobody on the beach when we arrived. Fill in the blank with 1-3 words: There wasn't _____________ on the beach when we arrived.
anybody, anyone
"Why don't we go to the beach?," I said. Fill in the blank with 1-3 words: I suggested ___________________ to the beach.
going, that we go
Mark couldn't lift the suitcase because he was too weak. Fill in the blanks with 1-3 words: Mark wasn't __________________ lift the suitcase.
able to
I have to go now. There isn't much time ____________ dinner and I've ___________ a lot of homework. Fill in each blank with one word.
before, got
Our new house is beautiful ______________ there aren't many shops around here. Fill in the blank with one word.
These are orange and grow under the ground. "C _ _ _ _ _" You must spell it correctly.
This is usually on the table with the salt. "p _ _ _ _ _" You must spell it correctly.
This is what you look at before you order food in a restaurant. "m _ _ _" You must spell it correctly.
Very often animals that end up shelters or on the streets had families and homes, ___________ they were thrown away. Fill in the blank with one word.
Some animals are treated like royalty but, at the same time, there are thousands of animals ___________ have nothing to eat and nowhere to go. Fill in the blank with one word.
Seem animal lovers go as far as to do things like carrying their dog in purses. ____________ buy them jewelry and treat them as their own children. Fill in the blank with 1 word.
Daisy (a dog) always takes part in _____________ family celebrations: she sits in her owner's lap and is fed with a spoon. A) each, B) every, C) all
C) all
Daisy wears a woolen sweater _________ cold days. Fill in the blank with one word.
Daisy is a Teacup Yorkie. She has her hair combed twice and a day and she ___________ to the dog's haridresser every month. Fill in the blank with 1 word.
What's the best response to, "It's good to see you again."
C) You too.
What is the best response to, "Will you lend me your laptop?"
B) no way
You can get almost anything you want in one of those big shopping ____________. A) centers, B) shops, C) stores
A) centres
Isabella asked the shop assistant to put the fruit in a ___________. A) suitcase, B) bag, C) handbag
B) bag
Isabella said she would pay for the clothes by credit ____________. A) card, B) note, C) check
A) card
She ___________ her shopping at Harrods every Friday. A) goes, B) makes, C) does
A) goes
Isabella usually ______________ elegant jackets and very expensive shoes. A) dresses, B) carries, or C) wears
C) wears
Which sign means "We are closed at the weekend."
Which sign means customers can only pay in cash?
If you want to buy a refrigerator, write an email to this person:
A sign for parking reads, "2 hours maximum. $4 per hour. The value of a parking penalty ticket is $50." Which letter gives the closest meaning?
An email to Maria from David reads, " I know you asked me to fix your laptop on Saturday but I completely forgot about a meeting I have to go to-- terribly sorry." Which letter gives the closest meaning?
A sign reads," We accept cash, checks, and all major credit cards." Which letter gives the closest meaning?
A sign reads, "Once opened, keep in the coldest part of the refrigerator and use in 5 days." Which letter gives the closest meaning?