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Kids' Stories from Around the World

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What happens in the story 'Little Red Riding Hood'?
The girl walks through the woods to visit her grandmother and finds a wolf.
What other names do people have for the tale 'Little Red-Cap'?
They call it 'Little Red Riding Hood'.
What is Katya's favorite story?
It is a fairy tale called 'Little Red-Cap'.
What country does Katya live in?
Katya lives in Germany.
Do you think Bacia's grandmother likes to tell tales? Why or why not?
Yes, because she tells Bacia a tale.
What do the hot, rainy summers in Bacia's country bring?
The summers bring lots of mosquitoes.
What is the weather like in Africa during the summer?
The summers are hot and rainy.
What country is Bacia from?
Bacia is from Burkina Faso.
Why is 'Bones to Stones' David's favorite poem?
It is about a dinosaur just like Claws.
What is David's favorite exhibit at the National History Museum?
A dinosaur whom David calls Claws.
What is David's house near?
His house is near the National History Museum.
Where does David live?
David lives in the United Kingdom.
What does Raymond do now when he has strawberries?
He always shares them with friends.
What is the tale about strawberries about?
It is about the first strawberries and how they were made to help two friends who were angry with each other.
Who told Raymond a tale about strawberries?
Raymond's father told him the tale.
Where is Raymond from?
Raymond in from Oklahoma