Edit Game
Use of English Revision 9th grade

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your mom _______________________ (write) her blog for years now.
has been writing
I _________________ (only/be) with him for 150 years.
have only been
I ________________ (get) married next month.
am getting
This special potion ________________ (come) from the Amazon.
I don't like people who ____________________ on others and think themselves better.
look down
I can't go to the party tonight, I have to _________________ my little sister.
look after
Justin Bieber likes wearing really ________________ clothes. Also, his and his wife's clothes don't _______________, their colors clash.
baggy / match
She is wearing a __________________ dress, it doesn't have any ____________ dots.
stripped / polka
The woman's feet hurt because she's been wearing ________________ shoes all day.
This man looks very _______________ with his suit.
She has a pale __________________, her skin is almost translucid.
My dad is of ___________ height, he is neither tall, nor short.
My brother is very _______________. He always says please and thank you.
Becky has ________________ dark hair.
I know her very well, we __________________ (work) together before.
have worked
They _________________ (date) each other for 3 years now.
have been dating /have dated
I can't talk right now, I ________________ (help) my mom with some chores.
am helping
She _____________ (take) swimming lessons 3 times a week.