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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You wear this to keep warm in the water. It's made of rubber.
Say in English: kask, lornetka, plecak na wędrówki
a helmet, binoculars, a rucksack
You use this to find the direction so that you don't get lost.
a compass, a map
Ja wypiłem trochę mleko, ale nie zjadłem moich ulubionych lodów.
I drank some milk but I didn't eat my favourite ice cream.
You wear this to help you in the water when you go sailing, canoeing or canyoning.
a lifejacket
Ja nie poszedłem do szkoły, ale poszedłem do sklepu.
I didn't go to school but I went to the shop.
Make a question: did/go/where/holiday?/you/on
Where did you go on holiday?
Say in English: latarka, krem do opalania, spray przeciw komarom
torch, sun cream, insect repellent
Make a question: go/you/who/with?/did
Who did you go with?
Make a question: get/you/how/there?/did
How did you go there?
Translate to English: śpiwór, buty trekkingowe, garnek
sleeping bag, walking boots, saucepan