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Robin Hood 2ESO

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Quick! Imagine you are Robin Hood and you just came back to Lockley. How would you introduce yourself so that Maid Marian will recognize you?
Who died at the end of the story
Who is Sir Richard of Lea (the knight) and how did Robin help him?
Was Sir Stephen more interested in marriage or money? Why?
Why was Allan a Dale sad and how did Robin help him?
Who was the outlaw that was captured (but was eventually rescued) in the middle of the story?
Will Stutely
Who was the Abbot and what does he do for the King?
Act it out! Imagine fighting someone with a quarter-staff!
What is the type of tree that became the center of the outlaws' camp?
(Old) oak tree
What is a crime you can commit in Sherwood Forest?
Name atleast 3 outlaws!
What happens in Nottingham and why did Robin's father not want him to go to there?
What's a "pace"?
Act it out! Shoot an arrow into a target.
Why did young men practice archery in England?
What's happening in the photo?
What's happening in the photo?
What's happening in the photo?
What's happening in the photo?
Pick one character and describe him/her!
Pick one character and describe him/her!
Pick one character and describe him/her!