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B1.2 Harmony- Comparisons and Present Perfect
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Past Participle of: READ
Correct or Incorrect? I haven't played the new Fall Guys season yet
Correct or Incorrect? I've already finished my homework
Correct or Incorrect? Have you ever heard of the Axolotl?
Correct or Incorrect? I have yet drunk a glass of water
Past Participle of: THINK
Past Participle of: GO
Make a comparison: The Mariana Trech has a depth of 11,000 m whereas the Diamantina trench has 3,000 m of depth
The Diamantina trench is not as deep as the Mariana Trench
Make a comparison: Pewdiepie has 110 million subscribers. Jacksepticeye has 25 million subscribers
Jacksepticeye doesn't have as many subscribers as Pewdiepie
Make a comparison: The Sahara desert reaches 50°C, Sinaloa only reaches 35°C. Both are very hot!
Sinaloa is not as hot as the Sahara desert
Make a comparison: Mexico is cold at 10°C and Russia is cold at -40°C
Mexico is not as cold as Russia
Make a comparison: A polar bear likes the cold. A pinguin also likes the cod
A polar bear likes the cold as much as a peguin
Make a comparison: The dolphin weighs 80 kg. The narwal weighs 80 kg too
The dolphin weighs as much as the narwal
Is this sentence correct? This copy as be bad as the other one
Is this sentence correct? Peter is not as tall as Fred. Peter is 1.52 m and Fred is 1.62.
Make a comparison: The blue car is fast. The red car is just as fast.
The blue car is as fast as the red car