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Oxford English 4 - Unit 5 At the canteen

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Milk is a good source of ___________. It's good for our teeth and bones.
Meat is a good source of __________.
Rice is a good source of __________.
Avocado is a good source of __________.
What sentence best describes this picture?
There is a lot of chicken.
There are some chicken.
There isn't any chicken.
There aren't any chicken.
What sentence best describes this picture?
There is a lot of cheese.
There isn't any cheese.
There are a few cheese.
There is a little cheese.
What sentence best describes this picture?
There is a little cake.
There is a lot of cake.
There are some cake.
There isn't any cake.
What sentence best describes this picture?
There isn't any fish.
There is a lot of meat.
There are a few puddings.
There is a little bread.
Is there any fish?
Yes, there is.
What sentence best describes this picture?
There are a few eggs.
There is a little eggs.
There are a lot of eggs.
There aren't any eggs.
What sentence best describes this picture?
There is some bread.
There isn't any bread
There is a lot of bread.
There are a few bread.
What sentence best describes this picture?
There are a few almonds.
There is some almonds.
There aren't any almonds.
There are a lot of almonds.
What sentence best describes this picture?
There are a lot of oranges.
There are a few oranges.
There aren't any oranges.
There are some oranges.
Are there any puddings?
No, there aren't.
Is there any fruit?
No, there isn't.
Is there any rice?
No, there isn't.
Is there any salad?
No, there isn't.
Answer: Yes, there is. (What is the question?)
Is there any fruit?
Answer: Yes, there are. (What is the question?)
Are there any puddings?
Answer: Yes, there are. (What is the question?)
Are there any bread rolls?
Answer: Yes, there are. (What is the question?)
Are there any vegetables?
Answer: Yes, there is. (What is the question?)
Is there any meat?
Answer: Yes, there is. (What is the question?)
Is there any salad?
Are there any bread rolls?
Yes, there are.
Is there any fruit?
Yes, there is.
Is there any meat?
Yes, there is.
Are there any vegetables?
Yes, there are.
Are there any puddings?
Yes, there are.
Is there any fruit?
Yes, there is.
Is there any rice?
Yes, there is.
Are there any sausages?
Yes, there are.
Is there any salad?
Yes, there is.