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Red Dog

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G'day means...
Hello! Good day
What does the word "barbie" mean?
Red Dog sometimes does something really bad...It smells horrible...What does he do?
He breaks wind.
Why did people at the beach know Red Dog?
Because Red Dog steals/ eats their food.
Something bad happened to Red Dog....What was it??
Someone shot him.
Nancy and John go on more than one date. True or False?
False. They go on only one date because of Red Dog.
Where does Red Dog always sit in the bus?
Behind bus driver/John. Next to Nancy
What is Nancy's job?
What is John's job?
Bus Driver
Who does Red Dog meet next to a bus?
The name of the company that Red Dog goes around is?
Hamersley Iron Company
What is another name for Red Dog?
Bluey, Tally Ho, Red
What are the names the people who brought Red Dog to Dampier?
Jack and Maureen