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Agriculture Trivia

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is growing in the big field this year
Sugar beets
What is the name of your sub today?
Mrs Abril
Which FFA Officer is in charge of recording the minutes during the meeting?
the secretary
What is another name for a groundhog?
What do the letters CTE stand for when talking about careers?
Career & Technical Education
What does the owl stand for on the FFA Emblem?
wisdom or knowledge
What engine part is this?
spark plug
What is the name of NY's FFA Leadership Camp?
Camp Oswegatchie
What breed of dairy cow is this?
Which FFA Officer is stationed by the Rising Sun during opening ceremonies
the president
Is a bear a carnivore, omnivore or herbivore?
An omnivore
Someone who maintains a golf course grounds would work in which career pathway?
Plant systems
Is natural gas a form of renewable or nonrenewable energy?
In which class of animals do the mothers give milk?
What do the initials G. M. O. stand for?
genetically modified organism.
About how many gallons of water will a milking cow drink per day?
40 gallons (take any answer 30-50 gallons)
What do you call the animal product made from an animal's hide?
Which FFA officer is stationed by the flag during opening ceremonies?
The reporter
A person who works at a farm supply store works in what career pathway?
What breed of herding dog is this?
Border Collie
After wheat is threshed, what do you call the stalks that are leftover?
What do you call an adult female horse?
a mare
True or False A brown cow gives chocolate milk.
False all cows give white milk
When was FFA started?
Which country in the world has the most cows?
What is this a picture of?
a chromosome
Do trout like cold or warm water?
cold water
What does this sign stand for?
Slow Moving Vehicle
What breed of beef animal is this?
(Black) Angus
What kind of bird is this?
Which kind of tree loses its leaves each year? conifer or deciduous?
The control center of a cell is the __________________.
Is a deer a carnivore, omnivore or a herbivore?
True or False One acre of cotton can be manufactured into over 200 pairs of jeans.
True (215 from FB 2019 Farm Facts)
What does an "arborist" do?
A tree surgeon or someone that trims trees.
What are the official FFA colors?
National Blue & Corn Gold
In what year was our Waterville FFA Chapter (re) started or chartered?
What do you call a male sheep?
a ram
What does "aquaculture" mean?
Fish farming
What government agency do the initials U.S.D.A. stand for?
United States Department of Agriculture
T or F Americans consume more than 3 Billion pizzas each year.
True (2019 FB Farm Facts)
1 US farmer feeds how many people?
166 (2019 FB Farm Facts)
The slogan "3 a day" refers to daily servings of what food group?
Dairy Foods
A cow has how many parts to her stomach?
What do you call the "hair like" material on an ear of corn?
the silk
Who is Adrian FFA's Vice-President?
Mesa Zimmerman
Who invented the steel plow?
John Deere
Name the only vegetable or fruit that is never sold frozen or canned.
Lettuce (fresh greens)
What kind of animal was the first to be domesticated?
the dog
True or False A pony is a baby horse.
What percentage of people in the United States live on farms?
Less than 2%
Who is president of the Adrian FFA Chapter
Claire Wagster