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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When the weather is cold, hot and cold again. it can affects our ___.
True or False: Help house chores with your parents if there is a bad weather outside.
True or False: Its good to play outside the house when its raining.
Give an example of fruits that can refresh during sunny or hot weather.
watermelon, pineapple, mango, melon
Give an example of clothes that comfortable to wear during rainy day.
sweater, rain coat, rain boots...
Give an example of clothes that comfortable to wear during sunny day.
Shorts, Sando, White shirt
Hot spicy noodles are good for what weather?
Rainy or cold weather
Halo-halo is good for what weather?
Sunny or hot weather
Give one example of effects of weather
Weather affect what we do
What shoes should you wear when its raining?
True or False: Always store foods, medical kits, and drinking water
True or False: Use to water of flood for washing the dishes.
What is a waterspout?
when a tornado occurs on water
Trye or False: Severe weather is not dangerous
If there is extreme heat, what should you do? Drink a lot of water or Play outside
Drink a lot of water
What does "evacuate" mean?
Leave your home and get to a safe place
What should you do if their is extreme cold weather conditions?
Stay at home
What can you use to receive information about severe weather?
T.V, Radio, Cellphone
In a thunderstorm, I should...
Stay inside the house
A weather _____________________ is a prediction about the future weather conditions of a place.