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Rational and Piecewise Functions
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What is the VERTICAL asymptote? (hint - use the denominator)
x = -2
What is the VERTICAL asymptote? (hint - use the denominator)
x = 1
What is the HORIZONTAL asymptote? (hint - use the degrees of top and bottom)
None (Degree Top > Degree Bottom)
What is the HORIZONTAL asymptote? (hint - use the degrees of top and bottom)
y = 3 (Degree Top = Degree Bottom)
What is the HORIZONTAL asymptote? (hint - use the degrees of top and bottom)
y = 0 (Degree Bottom > Degree Top)
What is the end behavior for an ODD degree with negative coefficient?
Up, Down
What is the end behavior for an ODD degree with positive coefficient?
Down, Up
What is the end behavior for an EVEN degree with negative coefficient?
Down, Down
What is the end behavior for an EVEN degree with positive coefficient?
Up, Up
What is g(-3)?
g(-3) = 0
What is the HORIZONTAL asymptote
y = -5
What is the VERTICAL asymptote
x = -3
What is the HORIZONTAL asymptote.
y = 2
What is the VERTICAL asymptote
x = 4
What is the VERTICAL asymptote (hint - use the denominator)
x = -3
What is the VERTICAL asymptote (hint - use the denominator)
x = 4
Solve the rational function.
x = 8/21
What is the LCD of our rational function?
LCD: 4x
What is g(-5)?
g(-5) = 4
What "piece" of our function should we use to find g(0) ?
2nd Equation
What parent functions make up our piecewise graph?
Linear, Quadratic, Linear