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Activities - At the Youth Club

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Was she making a snack at 3 o'clock yesterday?
No, she wasn't. She was scooting.
Yes, she was.
No, she wasn't. She was reading a magazine.
No, she wasn't. She was playing table football.
I + (past continuous of this activity) + last night.
I was watching a film last night.
Answer: Yes, he was. --- What is the question?
Was he making a snack?
Answer: Yes, I was. --- What is the question?
Were you playing table football?
Answer: Yes, she was. --- What is the question?
Was she playing cards?
Answer: Yes, they were. --- What is the question?
Were they playing pool?
Answer: Yes, I was. --- What is the question?
Were you reading a magazine?
Answer: Yes, he was. --- What is the question?
Was he watching a film?
Answer: Yes, they were. --- What is the question?
Were they roller skating?
Answer: Yes, she was. --- What is the question?
Was she doing craft activities?
Answer: Yes, we were. --- What is the question?
Were you playing board games?
Answer: Yes, she was. --- What is the question?
Was she reading a magazine?
Were they roller skating yesterday afternoon?
No, they weren't. They were scooting.
Were they playing cards yesterday evening?
No, they weren't. They were playing table football.
Was he watching a film at 5 o'clock?
No, he wasn't. He was making a snack
Yes, he was.
No, he wasn't. He was playing a board game.
No, he wasn't. He was doing craft activities.
Was he playing table football at 7 o'clock?
No, he wasn't. He was watching a film.
Yes, he was.
No, he wasn't. He was making a snack.
No, he wasn't. He was playing cards.
Were you doing craft activities at lunchtime?
No, I wasn't. I was playing cards.
Yes, I was.
No, I wasn't. I was reading a magazine.
No, I wasn't. I was playing board games.
Were they scooting on Saturday night?
No, they weren't. They were roller skating.
Was she roller skating at 6 o'clock?
No, she wasn't. She was playing pool.
We + (past continuous of this activity) + at 4 o'clock.
We were playing board games at 4 o'clock.
What were you doing last night?
I was watching a film.
I was doing craft activities.
I were doing craft activities.
I were watching a film.
You + (past continuous of this activity) + this afternoon.
You were making a snack this afternoon.
What were they doing at lunchtime?
They were playing table football.
They was playing table football.
They played table football.
They play table football.
What was she doing this morning?
She was doing craft activities.
She was reading a magazine.
She was playing board games.
She was watching a film.
We + (past continuous of this activity) + this afternoon.
We were playing pool this afternoon.
She + (past continuous of this activity) + this morning.
She was reading a magazine this morning.
What was he doing this afternoon?
He was scooting.
He was roller skating.
He was playing table football.
He was playing cards.
He + (past continuous of this activity) + last night.
He was playing cards last night.
What were they doing after school on Friday?
They were roller skating.
They were playing pool.
They was roller skating.
They was scooting.