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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is this sentence a simile? "Sloan is as tough as nails."
YES... what does this mean?
Find the simile: "Mia had been studying for her science final for weeks. She was soaring like an eagle after seeing she got an A on the test!"
"soaring LIKE an eagle."
Fill in the blank: "You shine bright like the __."
Fill in the blank: "Be as quiet as a mouse in the__
Find the simile: "The teacher was shocked to walk into the classroom and see paper balls flying and no body at their seat. It was like a zoo in there."
"it was LIKE a zoo."
Is this sentence a simile? "I am watching you like a hawk."
YES... what does that mean?!
Is this sentence a simile? "Lucy loves ice cream."
NO. How could we make it into a simile? (ex/ Lucy loves ice cream, like mice love cheese)
Explain the simile: "She swims like a fish."
She is a naturally good swimmer
She can't swim at all
Bobby was trying to understand the math lesson, but his teacher's explanation was as clear as mud. What does "as clear as mud" mean?
Something is very unclear and hard to understand
Find the simile: Today was the big presentation day at school for Vivian. She tried to stay calm and remember her Mom's advice: "Don't be nervous. Be as cool as a cucumber."
"AS cool AS a cucumber."
Find the simile: "Beep!" "Beep!" Tommy shut off his alarm only to realize he had slept in and he was going to miss his bus if he didn't hurry. He got ready as quickly as he could and ran as fast as a cheetah to catch his bus.
"ran AS fast AS a cheetah"
Find the simile: Jane is turning 17 soon and wants to get a car. She knows she'll have to work like a dog to save up money to get her car, but she doesn't mind.
"work LIKE a dog"
This car is yellow. What might we compare this car to when describing its yellow color?
The car is yellow AS the sun, The car's color is LIKE the sun, etc.
The sentence "He is as smart as a whip" means...
He is very smart and sharp
He is not smart all
Find the simile
She cried like a baby!
They were all excited for summer break.
Dad liked his new car.
We are ready to go.
Fill in the blank to make this a simile: "I slept __ a baby last night."
I slept LIKE a baby last night
Fill in the blank to make this a simile: "The road is __ flat __ a pancake."
The road is AS flat AS a pancake
What does this simile mean? "I wore jeans, which made me stand out like a sore thumb."
Since she was the only one wearing jeans, she stood out from the crowd
Explain the simile: "They are like night and day."
They are very different
Is this sentence a simile? "Matthew is in middle school."
NO. Why not?
Find the simile
You are as tall as a giraffe.
She is very short.
They were starving after their workout.
He needed to study for finals.
Find the simile
They fought like cats and dogs.
He is very smart.
I am the youngest in my family.
I like to watch the Disney Channel often.
Is this sentence a simile? "Mrs. Kropa's students are all sweet as sugar."
Is this sentence a simile? "She is busy as a bee."
Is this sentence a simile? Clair is as strong as an ox."