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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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More and more people ___________(eat) plant-based meals
are eating
Ken _________(order) mussels every time he eats out.
Matilda _________(usually/ not have) ice cream in winter. She__________(love) eating chocolate.
doesn't usually have, loves
Water____________ (boil) at one-hundred degrees Celsius.
Matt _______(not speak) Englssh very well but he ________(speak) French very fluently.
doesn't speak, speaks
The train __________(leave/ always). But today it __________ (leave) a bit later
always leaves, is leaving
I __________(be/ never) at home when you call.
am never
I _______(not usually) eat protein for breakfast
Don't usually eat
Why ________(he use ) your mobile phone? - He ________(not have) one and he needs to call his mother.
is he using, doesn't have
What time ____________(the concert/ start)? I _______ (not remember) you have the tickets!
does the concert start, don't remember
_____________(you watch) any good series now?
are you watching
How often __________(you/ bake) cakes?
do you bake
I ________ (be) from Argentina, but now, I_________(live) in Brazil.
am, am living
Your best friend________(not like) eating out at weekends- He ________(prefer) doing it on week days.
doens't like, prefers
He ____________(always/ be) exhausted after zoom meetings.
is always
Sorry, I can't talk now. I____________ (study) English!
am studying
We _________(usually/ have) classes at a school, but this year we _____________ (learn) from home.
usually have, are learning