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American revolution weapons

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Name two of the long range weapons.
Rifles, pistols, cannons and Muskets
Which shot sets on fire?
Hot shot.
What does a Musket fire?
musket balls.
What Is a artillery weapon made for?
Made to hit hard though a hard too move.
What Is a barshot?
A shot that looks like a barbell that's joined with a solid stick.
What type of cannon shot explodes?
Fuse shot
When was the first musket used?
What people mainly carried pistols?
The Generals
true or false, muskets come in different colors? 
How much did a gun cost in 1776?
3 English pounds and 15 shillings
Why did drummer boys not have weapons?
They were to young and could not be In control of a weapon while playing the drum
which cannon shots were named after fruit?
grape and pineapple shots
Did drummer boys carry any weapons?
True or false. AK 47's were used In the war?
What weapon did they use for a fighting that today we use for trees?
Axe's and tomahawks.
what weapon Is used for a charge?
What was the British's main weapon?
"Brown Bess" Type of musket.
Which weapon is most important out of these weapons? Musket, Axe, fists, Rifles, or swords.
What are at least three of the weapons they used In the American Revolution?
Muskets, pistols, axes, tomahawks, knifes, cannons, swords, sabers, rifles, and bayonets
True or false, Muskets were used In the wars