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The Local Government Quiz

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What Government service provides free doctors consultation in the barangay health center?
Health services
It is composed of 17 mayors of NCR that looks after the welfare of the people.
Metro Manila Council
A group of elected officials that creates laws and ordinances to promote the welfare of the people and the development of the community. Clue: CC
City Councils
What Government program was launched to help who are at risk of malnutrition? A. tax reform program B. feeding program
B. feeding program
What government service make sure that police officers and traffic enforcers are in the road to make sure there is peace and order?
Public safety
What service of the government offers children going to school for free?
Education services
True or False. Barangay council offer money to people to get a lot of votes.
True or False. Community leaders patrol the entire barangay for 24 hours to ensure peace in the community.
What is the basic government body in the Philippines?
_________ is paid by people to the government so they can deliver services, programs and projects.