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Butterfly 1 revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This film is really bored/ boring - I think I'll read a book instead.
This new video game is disappointed/ disappointing
Maggie is doing her homework and she's bored/ boring.
Correct the mistake: I just have found a very interesting game online.
I have just found
add JUST to the sentence: you / see / the news? I/ see / it!
Have you seen the news? I just seen it
Just/ already / yet : The train has ...... left - right on time!
Just/ already / yet : I haven't finished reading that book .......
Just/already/yet : I've ...... had dinner about 10 minutes ago.
Must/ might/ can't : I'm starving, it ........ be dinner time.
can't/could/ must : I know you've lost your book. ........ this be it?
Might/ can't/ must : I .......... watch a programme about animals tonight.
Write in correct order to make a sentence: In here / hot / the window / a bit / I'll / open / it's / so
It's hoot in here, I'll open the window a bit.
Write in full using present perfect or past simple: Dave / live/ Australia / for / three years/ loves it
Dave has lived in Australia for three years now and loves it
Write in full using present perfect or past simple: Sara / often / eat/ food / from / India
Sara has often eaten food from India
Use the correct form of verb present perfect or past simple: Mum and dad ......... with auntie Betty when they were in London last week. (stay)
stayed (past simple)
Use the correct form of the verb: Frank......... here since he was five years old. (live)
has lived
Correct the mistake: You have heard about it or not?
Have you heard about it or not?
Correct the mistake: I know her all my life
I have known her all my life
Write using present perfect: You / ever/ buy / shoes / from a second-hand shop?
Have you ever bought shoes from a second-hand shop?
Write in present perfect : Jan / never / read / an online blog
Jan has never read an online blog
write in present perfect : I / write / a / letter / the newspaper
I have written a letter to the newspaper