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Cambridge FCE Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"Renewable resources are being used more quickly than they can be replaced. As a __________, the planets ability to support people is being reduced."
"Everywhere on Earth fertile soil is ______________ built on or washed into the sea."
"Nobody took any notice of his bad behavior." Nobody _______________ (ATTENTION) his bad behavior. Use 2-5 words to fill in the gap.
paid any attention to
"George wrote his last novel five years ago." It ____________ (WAS) George wrote his last novel. Use 2-5 words to fill in the gap.
was five years ago when
"How long has she been studying English?" When ___________ (BEGIN) studying English? Use 2-5 words to fill in the gap.
did she begin
"Steve didn't manage to complete his work." Steve __________ (FAILED) his work. Use 2-5 words to fill in the gap.
failed to complete
"She was just going to have her breakfast when the phone rang." She was just _____________ (ABOUT) breakfast when the phone rang. Use 2-5 words to fill the gap.
about to have her
"It wasn't Mark that you met in the shop." It _________________ (HAVE) Mark that you met in the shop. Use 2-5 words to fill in the gap.
couldn't have been
"There are some unique adaptations of fish (like gills) that have allowed them to live so ____________ in water." SUCCESS
"While freshwater fish inhabit the smallest amount of water, they have adapted to a much _________ range of habitats and water conditions." WIDE
"The number and ____________ of fresh water fish species compared to salt water fish species is mind-boggling when considering that so much more of the world's water is saltwater." VARY
"41% of the world's fish species inhabit only fresh water. This is pretty _________ considering that fresh water covers only 1% of the world's surface." AMAZE
"Fish have evolved for over 400 million years to be the most _____________ and diverse of the major vertebrate groups." NUMBER
"Because they live in many different environments, fish have adapted an incredible variety of life-forms, styles, and ___________. BEHAVE.
"In the deepest part of the seas, creatures live in total ________________." DARK
"There are more than 200,000 species of fish inhabiting many _____________ waters." DIFFER
"Cats helped to prevent many rodents _________ coming into homes and eating people's food or spreading sickness."
"It's possible that people noticed how cats hunted mice and rats __________ they set food and milk out to keep cats near their homes."
"No one knows for sure when or ___________ cats became very popular household pets."
"Ancient Egyptians respected and honored cats. ____________, other cultures feared cats or thought they brought bad luck or illness."
"Cats similar _________ the ones kept as pets today started showing up in artwork thousands of years ago."
"Cave paintings display different types of wild cats _____________ are now extinct."
"Cats of all kinds are present in the legends, religion, mythology and history of _____________ different cultures."
"Earth is the only place we know of that can support human life. 1) ___________ human activities are making the planet less fit to live on.