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Earth Facts

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About how deep is the earth to the core?
About 6,380 km
About how far does the earth lean?
About 24*
How how fast does the earth spin?
about 40,000 km in one day
True or False: The earth spins 1 time every day.
True or False: The earth flies through the sky.
True or False: The earth is very light.
About how many km to go around the earth?
about 40,000km
True or False: The center of the earth is very hot.
True or False: The inner core is made of metal.
True or False: The outer core is made of water.
True or False: Water covers about 70% of the earth's crust.
True or False: The mantle is made of rock and water.
What do we call layer 4?
inner core
What do we call layer 3?
outer core
What do we call layer 2?
What do we call layer 1?
How many layers does Earth have?
4 layers
True or False: The earth spins 1 time in 1 week.
True or False: The earth leans on an axis.
About how old is the earth?
about 4,500,000,000 years old