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Present simple, present continuos and past simpl ...

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the verbs to be in present?
Is, are, am.
What is the difference between the simple present simple and the present continuous??
The verb to b, and ending ING in the verb.
What is the funtion of present continuous?
We use the present continuous to talk about things that are happening now or about temporary situations.
Give an example of a present progressive/continous sentence.
What is the structure of present continous/ progressive?
S+ TO BE+ verb + ING + C.
Mention 3 verbs (in its simple form):
Mention 3 regular verbs (of the past tense):
What are the time expressions used to present simple?
Every day, month, week, year; always; sometimes; never; frequently
What is the funtion of present simple?
We use the present simple to talk about habits and routines, and about facts or things that are always true.
Give an example of simple present sentence.
What is the structure of simple present?
S+ verb (simple form) + C.
Mention 3 irregular verbs:
How can we identify the regular verbs?
By the ending -ED
What kind of verbs we use in the past simple?
Irregular verbs/regular verbs
What is the difference between the simple present and the past simple?
The verb form.
What are the time expressions used to past simple?
Yesterday, last week, last night, 10 min ago, etc.
What is the funtion of past simple?
To talk about finished situations (in the past).
Give an example of a past simple sentence.
What is the structure of past simple?
S+ verb (past) + C.