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American Revolutionary War

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What countries signed the Treaty of Paris?
Great Britain and America
What happened in the Boston Massacre?
A boy threw a rock at a red coat (solider) other joined in and the Solider retaliated.
What was the Treaty of Paris?
A official signing declaring that Colonies were their own country.
Give a cause and effect of the Boston Massacre.
People were frustrated with all the taxes. Effect was 5 people dying and it was leading to war.
Give a Cause and Effect of the Boston Tea Party.
Because of the Tea Act the Group of people threw the tea into the harbor (this is called the Boston Tea Party).
What was the caused the French and Indian War?
Colonist moved West into Native American and French Land.
What was the French and Indian War?
A war between French/Native American and Colonist/England over land.
What was the Boston Tea Party?
A group of protesters that threw tea from England into the the Boston Harbor.
What was the American Revolutionary War?
War between Colonist and England over the colonies.
What was one Cause and Effect you learned about?
Because of the tea act Boston Tea party happened.
What was the Effect of the American Revolutionary War?
The United States became a country, Declaration of Independence was written, and start of our government.