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How much do you know about Steve Jobs and the St ...

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Chapter 10 - Steve Jobs died on Oct 5th, 2011. When he died, he was still Apple's CEO.
False. He quit in August 2011.
Chapter 10 - The iPad was launched in 2010, and its first day in the shops, sold even more than the iPhone. True or False?
Chapter 10 - In 2010, the iTunes store started selling Beatles’ songs.
Chapter 10 - Steve got a liver transplant in 2009, but by then the cancer had spread to other parts of his body. True or False?
Chapter 9 - The iPhone was launched in 2007 and at the time it was the most expensive mobile phone in the world. True or False?
Chapter 9 - Pixar was sold to Disney in 2006. True or False?
Chapter 9 - Steve Jobs had an operation in 2004, right after he found about his cancer. True or False?
False. At first he tried alternative forms of treatment.
Chapter 8 - The iPod (2001) could hold 1,000 songs, while a regular MP3 player could hold 1000. True or False?
False. The iPod could hold 1,000 songs, but the MP3 could only only 16.
Chapter 7 - The iMac had a brand new, exclusive design and it went on sale in 1998. As it was expensive, like all other Apple products, it did not sell so well.True or False?
False. It was not expensive and it sold really well.
Chapter 7 - ‘Think Different’ was the name of the 1984 Macintosh advert. It showed no Apple products at all. True or False?