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Great Depression

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What do the medicine bottles in the cartoon represent? Who is FDR trying to help in this cartoon? Was the New Deal a good deal? Why or Why not? (ANSWER ALL OF THE QUESTIONS!)
Programs of the New Deal. Trying to help Uncle Sam (US), your opinion and defend it.
President Roosevelt's New Deal impacted…(give 3 different areas the New Deal impacted)
These laws impacted banking, the stock market, industry, agriculture, public works, relief for the poor, and conservation of resources.
Fascists rose in countries like Germany and Italy.
President Hoover hired the Bonus Army to hand out checks to all of the World War 1 Veterans.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt served as President for 4 terms (12 years).
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
banned child labor and set a minimum wage at 40 cents.
Social Security Act
Tax on workers and employees that would go to retired people.
Wagner Act
Guaranteed workers the rights to form unions.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
insured bank deposits so people would not lose their money if a bank closed.
The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Was a work relief program that hired over 3 million people.
Order these events which happened first to which happened last. A) The Roaring 20's B) FDR's New Deal C) The Stock Market Crash D) Hoovervilles
President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s cabinet members were smart. They were called…
The Brain Trust.
Which was NOT a CAUSE of the Dust Bowl?
Overuse of machines
Factory owners and farmers lost money due to…
During this period of time, Congress passed 15 major pieces of New Deal legislation.
1st Hundred Days
In the fall of 1929, a wave of panic selling hit the stock market as a result of...
sudden fall in stock prices.
Why did Americans want new leadership in the year 1932?
People thought that President Hoover did not know what the American people needed.
President Hoover was cautious after the Stock Market Crash because he…
Thought that the business would fix itself.
The main reason President FDR attempted to increase the number of Justices in the Supreme Court was to...
make the Court more supportive of the New Deal programs.
What were some criticisms of the New Deal?
Gave too much power to the government
The Dust Bowl during the Great Depression demonstrated the...
impact of geography on people’s lives.
The New Deal aimed to...
provide aid to many parts of the economy.
In the 1930s, shantytowns, often called “Hoovervilles” sprang up across the U.S. because of President Hoover’s...
refusal to help the homeless.
What hardship did more than 20% of Americans face during the Great Depression?