Edit Game
3º Unit 5

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where does the quebrantahuesos live?
In the mountains.
Where does the camel live?
In the desert.
Where does the cow live?
In the farm.
Where does the parrot live?
In the jungle.
Where does the wolf live?
In the forest.
WHere does the dolphin live?
In the ocean
Where does the giraffe live?
In the savannah
WHO IS? It is a big animal, it has got fur. It can be bron, panda, polar...
The bear
WHO IS? It is a bird but i can't fly. It lives in the South Pole
The penguin
WHO IS? It is a reptile and it has got scales and a long tail. It has got a long tongue. It lives in the jungle.
WHO IS? It can swim but it is not a fish. It is very big and it has got two fins.
The whale
WHO IS? It has got feathers, a large beak and it can talk.
The parrot.
WHO IS? It can climb trees and it can eat bananas. It can't fly.
The monkey
WHO IS? It can climb trees. It eats little rats. It can't fly. It can live at home. I can drink milk.
The cat
TRUE OR FALSE? Hippos can't swim in the water
TRUE OR FALSE? Crocodiles can play the guitar
TRUE OR FALSE? Dogs can run fast.
TRUE OR FALSE? Monkeys can't play computers
TRUE OR FALSE? Cats can't drink milk.
ORDER: jump / Frogs / high / can
Frogs can jump high
ORDER: and / sing / Parrots / talk / can
Parrots can talk and sing.
ORDER: fast / can / run / Tigers.
Tigers can run fast.
ORDER: water / can / Elephants / drink
Elephants can drink water.
ORDER: trees / Monkeys / climb / can
Monkeys can climb trees.
ORDER: can't / the / fly / Lions / in / sky
Lions can't fly in the sky