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Present Simple or Present Continuous?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many books you (have) at home?
How many books do you have at home?
When the plane (take off)? 9 p.m.
When does the plane take off? It takes off at 9 p.m.
Who (sleep) upstairs at the moment?
Who is sleeping upstairs at the moment?
Where your best friend (live)?
Where do you live?
She (travel) to Japan twice a year to visit her grandparents.
We (not/do) the test right now, we (review) the lessons.
aren't doing - are reviewing.
She (not go) to school by car everyday. She (go) to school by bike every day.
doesn't go / goes
He (make) a game for his students at the moment.
is making
I (not read) newspaper anymore.
don't read
The two boys (not/play) volleyball today because they (listen) to music now.
aren't playing - are listening
The man  (wash) his hands.
is washing
The dog (not/play) with his owner because he's sleeping now.
isn't playing
The dog (drink) water over there.
is drinking
Those children (not/talk), they (ski) at present.
aren't talking - are skiing
The old man (sleep) right now, he (not/read).
is sleeping - isn't reading
She (not/cook), she (eat) at the moment.
isn't cooking - is eating
Grace (have) math class every Tuesday. She (not have) P.E. LESSON on tuesdays.
has , doesn't have
 She's at secondary school, she (miss) her old teachers from primary school.
My cousin (go) to school in Germany. She (not live) in Turkey.
goes , doesn't live
Brooklyn (play) the piano very well.
My mum ______ a scientist. She _______ science experiments.
is , does
Audrey (watch) TV in her bedroom every evening.
Carl (visit) his grandparents every weekend.
My aunt ______ from  Scotland. But this year she __________ (live)  in America.