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Fashion: Year 8, AECarvalhos

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A piece of clothing that covers the front part of your clothes and is tied around your waist,worn to keep your clothes clean, especially while cooking . 
An apron
What is this?
A raincoat.
What is the opposite of old-fashioned?
Trendy / Fashionable
What is he wearing?
Sandals and socks.
What is this girl wearing?
A veil.
A type of glove that does not have separate parts for each finger (plural).
What are these?
High heels / high-heeled shoes
A piece of clothing for a woman or girl that hangs from the waist.
A skirt.
What  are these?
A type of material that is usually blue and often used for making jeans
What is Beatriz Guedes  wearing?
Accessory that you wear  around your neck.
When it's cold, you wear it around your neck.
A scarf.
What is Finn Wolfhard wearing?
A suit, a shirt and a tie.
I need to wear ________ when it's sunny because my eyes hurt.
Two little boats without any sails, with ten passengers on board. They travel on dry land; all day boats pass to and fro, but at night they are both empty. What are these?
People usually carry their money in a ...
Purse/ wallet
What goes up when the rain comes down?
An umbrella.
What are these?
Wellingtons/ rubber boots
Name three types of jewellery.
Ring / necklace / bracelet / earrings...
It has buttons up the front, a collar and sleeves. Men often wear it with a suit.
A shirt.
What is this?
A handbag.
What is this man wearing? (name the three items)
A shirt, a tie and a waistcoat.