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16 Filipino Values

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#1 na Filino values sa listahan ng NCCA (Faith ; Health and Wellness; Family ; Education)
#2 na Filino values sa listahan ng NCCA (Faith ; Health and Wellness ; Family ; Education)
#3 na Filino values sa listahan ng NCCA (Faith ; Health and Wellness ; Family ; Education)
#4 na Filino values sa listahan ng NCCA (Faith ; Health and Wellness ; Family ; Education)
Health and Wellness
Aling Filipino values ang #5 sa listahan ng NCCA? (Basic Needs ;Self ; Work and Livelihood ; Peace and Development ; Honesty and Integrity)
Basic Needs
Aling Filipino values ang #6 sa listahan ng NCCA? (Basic Needs ;Self ; Work and Livelihood ; Peace and Development ; Honesty and Integrity)
Aling Filipino values ang #7 sa listahan ng NCCA? (Self;Work and Livelihood;Peace and Development;Honesty and Integrity)
Work and Livelihood
Aling Filipino values ang #8 sa listahan ng NCCA? (Environment, Peace and Development, Happiness, Kapuwa)
Peace and Development
#9 na Filino values sa listahan ng NCCA (Honesty and Integrity, Resilience, Life and Purpose, Human Rights)
Honesty and Integrity
#10 na Filino values sa listahan ng NCCA (Resilience, Life and Purpose, Human Rights, Environment)
#11 na Filino values sa listahan ng NCCA (Resilience, Life and Purpose, Human Rights, Environment)
Life and Purpose
#12 na Filino values sa listahan ng NCCA (Resilience,Life and Purpose,Human Rights, Environment)
Human Rights
Aling Filipino values ang #13 sa listahan ng NCCA? (Environment, Love for Country, Happiness, Kapuwa)
Aling Filipino values ang #14 sa listahan ng NCCA? (Environment, Love for Country, Happiness, Kapuwa)
Love for Country
Aling Filipino values ang #15 sa listahan ng NCCA? (Happiness Kapuwa, Culture, Governance)
Aling Filipino values ang #16 sa listahan ng NCCA? (Environment, Love for Country, Happiness, Kapuwa)