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Grade 5 Astronomy exam review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Look closely at the picture of the earth shown below. Which hemisphere has shorter days / receives less sunlight?
Northern hemisphere
Which hemisphere receives direct sunlight?
Southern hemisphere
Describe the seasons experienced by people living in point X
They experience no change in seasons / they only experience rainy or sunny seasons
Lily draws a picture of the Earth's position in June. How many days are needed for the Earth to return to its original position?
365 days
Lily draws a picture of the Earth's position in June. How many months are needed for the Earth to reach position C?
6 months
In our solar system, the four gas giants are called ____ Planets
This picture shows an example of _______ (direct/indirect) sunlight
What are giant spheres of burning hot gases?
Constellations were used to keep track of time by ancient peoples. True or False?
True! There are seasonal constellations which appear during certain periods of the year
Pedro lives in Cusco, Peru. Which constellation can he see? Is it A.) Orion [Northern hemisphere only] or B.) Centaurus [Southern hemisphere only]
Recite all the planets in the correct order
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Compare the length of days of 2 countries (A&B). Which country do you think has the same seasons as Indonesia (rain & shine only)?
Country A
Compare the length of days of 2 countries (A&B). Which country do you think has 4 seasons?
Country B
Looking at the chart of sunrise and sunset in Romania, what is the pattern of the length of day as you go from February to June?
The length of day is getting longer from Feb to June
Looking at the chart of sunrise and sunset in Romania, which month has the longest days?
In which position (1,2,3,4) does the northern hemisphere have winter
Position 4
In our solar system, the first four planets closest to the sun is called ____ Planets
What causes the Earth to have days and nights?
Rotation of the Earth
Give 2 reasons why some parts of the Earth has changes in seasons
#1) Tilt of the the Earth's axis #2) Revolution of the earth around sun
When the moon is waning, it grows bigger or smaller in size?
What is this moon phase?
Waxing crescent
Which hemisphere is having winter?
Southern hemisphere
During the Waxing period, the moon is getting bigger or smaller in size?
What moon phase is this?
Last quarter/3rd quarter
In this picture, what is the season in the northern hemisphere?
Does the Moon make its own light? If no, why does it appear "lit up"?
The moon reflects the sunlight
How long does it take for the Earth to revolve around the sun
1 year / 365 days / 12 months