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SOL A.5 Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Select the points that are part of the solution set.
(-4, 2) and (-4, 4)
Which ordered pair is a solution to this system of inequalities?
Which ordered pairs are solutions to this system of inequalities?
(-1, -6), (0, -5), (0.5, -2)
Which set of ordered pairs is NOT a solution to the following system?
Which set of ordered pairs is a solution to the following system?
Which ordered pair is part of the solution set?
Solve the inequality
Solve the inequality
Solve the inequality
Mrs. Corbett rented a truck to move some furniture. The rental charge is $60 plus $0.25 per mile. She wants to spend no more than $180, not including tax. What is the maximum number of miles that she can drive the truck?
480 miles
Find the graphed inequality that best matches this situation.
Jane, Sheryl, and Riley collected more than 132 seashells. They each collected the same amount. At least how many seashells did each girl collect?
x > 44
Find the graph that matches the inequality shown.
Name a solution for the linear inequality.
Has to fall in the shaded region or on the line.
Name a solution for the linear inequality.
Has to fall in the shaded region.
Ian went bowling at the Links Bowling Center. Shoe rental was $1.75 and games were $2.50 each. He has $20.00. What is the maximum number of games Ian can bowl?
7 games
A car salesman earns $18,000 a year plus 8% of the amount of sales from the cars he sells. What is the minimum amount of sales he must make if he want to earn at least $40,000 per year?
Use an inequality to solve.
110 boxes
Solve the inequality
Solve the Inequality