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Working conditions - Conversation class

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why do most people consider themselves to be “overworked and underpaid”?
By and large - in my experience - therefore
Why do people have to work? In an "ideal" world would everybody work or nobody work?
To let loose my imagination - unless - I wonder
Do you think, in general, people in Brazil work too many hours?
From where I stand - As a matter of fact - Moreover
Some companies use a flexible time system and employees can work hours that suit their lifestyles. What do you think about this?
To be honest - given the fact that - therefore
What are some of the best jobs you can think of?
Actually - I wonder - In general
Is it better to be a boss or an employee? How come?
As a matter of fact - From where I stand - in spite of
What are some of the worst jobs you can think of?
As far as I know - in fact - however
If every job paid the same amount of money, which job would you rather do?
If I can be completely honest - though - All in all
Are there any jobs you think are not paid enough? Why doesn't society value those workers highly enough?
To tell you the truth - despite - On the whole
Which professions are very well-paid these days? Why does society value those workers highly?
If you ask me - Even though - By and large
What is the usual retirement age in your country? Should it change? What would be a more appropriate retirement age?
There's no doubt - On the other hand - All I can say is
What qualities should a good boss have?
From where I see it - If I have a say in the matter - Personally speaking