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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does Lisa give Brian?
A book for his birthday present.
How much money does she have on Friday?
What does Lisa do on Friday?
She take out all the money out of her piggy bank.
How much money does Lisa earn doing the laundry?
What does Lisa do on Thursday?
She washes the laundry.
How much money does Lisa earn raking her neighbor's leaves?
What does Lisa buy for $1.00?
A lollipop.
What does Lisa’s neighbor ask her to do on Wednesday?
To rake the leaves.
How much money does Lisa earn taking out the trash?
What does Lisa do on Tuesday?
She takes out the trash in the evening.
Where does Lisa put her money?
In her piggy bank.
How much money does Lisa earn washing dishes?
What does Lisa do on Mondays?
She washes the dishes.
What will she do every day to earn money?
She will do chores to earn money.
What does Lisa do on Sunday?
She makes a savings plan.
What does Lisa want to buy for her friend's birthday?
a book
What is happening on Saturday?
Brian's birthday!
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
What vocabulary word describes this picture?
piggy bank