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FHA UI Quiz Activity

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Which of the following tabs is found in FHA UI: Invoices, Submission, Initial Gate Scrub, or VA?
Initial Gate Scrub
The Proof of Occupancy box in FHA UI is red, what should you do?
Contact the borrower and request a new valid proof of occupancy and notate in Lakewood.
What is the purpose of Address validation in FHA UI?
To make sure that the subject property address and the present address are the same.
What are current FHA seasoning requirements?
At least 210 Days (or six months) must have passed from the Closing Date of the Mortgage that is being refinanced.
Why is it important to check the "seasoning" requirements in FHA UI?
Because the FHA requires all borrowers to be making consistent on time payments for a specific period of time.
After logging into FHA UI, how do you access FHA loans?
By clicking on FHA Processor UI and entering the loan number into the "Search Loan" bar
Any applicable net tangible benefits should be found under which tab in FHA UI?
State Specific Documents
Which of the following is NOT found in FHA UI: Benefit, Taxes, HOI, or Credit Report?
Credit Report
The SSN Verification box is red, what should you do?
Check EDMS to see if a SSNV document is in the file. If not, document in LW and notify borrower.
What is one document that can be found under seasoning?
Mortgage payment history or VOM (verification of mortgage)