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Včerajší požiar mohol byť spôsobený bleskom.
Last night’s fire might have been caused by lightning.
What are sunny spells?
refers to the weather. it means it is going to be bright and sunny all day, with few clouds in the sky
Translate: Sarah je v jej práci príliš pomalá. Práca nemala byť ponúknutá jej.
Sarah is too slow at work. The job shoudn´t have been offered her.
Translate: Ich študenti prišli domov neskoro. Oni museli byť skúšaní dlho.
Their students came home late. They must have been examined for a long time.
What´s in the picture? What is it for?
litter tray
What is the woman doing?
She´s stroking the dog.
What can you feed animals on?
tinned food/ leftovers/ mice/ dry food
Translate: Viac ako 16,000 druhov zvierat je v súčastnosti ohrozených vyhynutím.
More than 16,000 animal species are currently threatened with extinction.
Translate: Išla som do kúpeľne, a tam bol had syčiaci na mňa.
I went to the bathroom, and there was a snake hissing at me.
React to this: I was about to put my shoes on, when I found a scorpion hiding there!
What was that doing there? / Seriously?/ What?
Might you hear a flock of crows making a dreadful noise?
What animal is in the picture? Is it an amphibian?
pidgeon, bird